Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How to Decorate Your Kids Bedroom?

The kids bedroom should be decorated in a manner that makes it appealing and welcoming. This is because there are instances when they spend a large portion of their time in the room and it is important to ensure that they identify with it and everything that is inside. This does not have to be a costly affair and especially, as long as you know what it takes to make it attractive and welcoming. There are a couple of ways through which you can achieve this end and though this is the case, one of the most reliable and efficient ways is through use of cushion for kids.

Kids are supposed to get the best of everything and it is for this reason that this is a smart choice. With these cushions, you not only increase the appeal of the room but also make it more welcoming and comforting. Before proceeding to invest in these cushions however, consider the following.

• You have to choose cushions that compliment the needs and personality of your kids. This is because at any given time, you will have numerous options to choose from and your decision should be an informed one. It is therefore of utmost important to ensure the choice you make can compliment the needs of the kids. For instance, some of the options at your disposal include comforter sets and quilt covers.

• Another aspect you need to consider is the designs, colors and softness. These aspects are largely dependent on the personality of your young ones and it is important to ensure that important aspects are not overlooked. This is the only way to increase the probability of making them feel comfortable.

• The cushion for kids selected should compliment the rest of the decor in order to ensure everything is coordinated. This is the only way to ensure that nothing feels and looks like it is out of place. What is more, it will also ensure the ambiance of the room is increased.

• Finally, you have to decide how they are cushions are going to be used and how your kids can get the most out of them.

Once you choose to decorate the kids room, the first thing you should do is draw a budget. This will make it possible for you to shop wisely and ensure that you do not exceed the budget. What is more, this guides you through the process of making an informed decision about exactly what you need in order to transform the room and ensure that your kids enjoy the best of everything.

Quick Ideas In Choosing The Best Christmas Curtains   Shabby But Chic   

Pool Building: DIY Excavation Pitfalls

It's all the recent developments in prefabricated pools that has given do-it-yourself pool builders a big boost. So now more people than ever before are saying to themselves, "Hey I can do that", and starting up with plans to save a bunch of money by building their own inground pool from start to finish.

Even so, given the size and the complexity the job it's not without its own share of pitfalls - potential mistakes along the way that if not avoided work to make the job more difficult and expensive than it should be. So just keep on reading, and you can learn from those who have gone before you.

Wrong Time of Year to Excavate

Timing is everything when it comes to dig a giant hole in your backyard. Once you start to dig you need to have the pool done and filled with water before the winter rains sets in or you'll have big problems. Underestimate the time that it will take you to complete the job and start late and you can end up with a giant mud-hole where you thought you were going to have a pool.

So don't start painting yourself up as a 'Superman' when you're planning your job because even professional estimators get it wrong all the time. In fact people make a good living as job estimators because all they know how to do is get the timing right. So being that it's your first excavation job give yourself plenty of leeway when you're trying to calculate a how long it will take you to finish it.

Unforseen Underground Surprises

Another common blunder that first-time do-it-yourself pool builders can make it simply assuming that there's just dirt under the ground that they they have to dig up. Excavating soft ground is a big enough job but all you have to do is to run into hardpan, or even worse yet, bedrock or large boulders, and you'll have real problems on your hands.

The only way to remove large boulders or bedrock is by blasting and you're sure not going to be doing that yourself. Blasting is incredibly expensive to have done, so make sure that you have a pretty good idea of what's underground before you take it upon yourself to start in excavating. Look at the geology around your area and talk to other people who have had pools dug.

Thinking You Can Dig By Hand

Then another all too common mistake that 'ambitious' do-it-yourself pool builders make, is thinking that they're going to dig the pool by hand with a pick, shovel and wheelbarrow. Now with a very small prefabricated inground pool it is possible, but even if it is still a massive job that can take weeks. Keep in mind though, that this is the very smallest of pools.

Larger pools are going to require a backhoe and a dump truck to remove the dirt but this doesn't necessarily mean that you need to hire a contractor. This is because you could buy DVDs online that show you step-by-step how to operate a backhoe, and you don't need any kind of special license to rent one down at your local heavy equipment rental yard.

Quick Ideas In Choosing The Best Christmas Curtains   Shabby But Chic   

Deep Creek Falls Fountain - The Ultimate Art Piece

When average pieces of art simply will not do, you need something so jaw-dropping that it will stop guests in their track. You need art that you can marvel at, and just lose yourself in from time-to-time. The Deep Creek Falls Fountain fits this description.

Unparalleled in Beauty

When you first come face-to-face with this wall water feature, it is common to be a little taken back. This is a massive fountain, so if you do not just pause and maybe even feel your hearts flutter a little, it would be very surprising.

The fountain is a masterpiece on its own. You may find yourself trying to determine if it is vertical or horizontal. After all, the three large panels are vertical, but since they are placed next to one another, it could also be considered a horizontal fountain. This means that it will absorb the coldness of a large, empty wall quite nicely.

The trim at the top and the bottom can be antique black copper, rustic copper or stainless steel, and if you prefer, you can have round corners instead of square ones. This may seem like a detail that really won't get noticed, but don't underestimate the power of balancing curved and straight edges.

The huge faces of the Deep Creek Falls Fountain are available in silver mirror, rainforest green or brown marble, rajah or green slate, black spider marble and Featherstone in black, rajah or green. If you have prints in your living space already, the silver mirror option would be beautiful without making the room appear too busy. Otherwise, any of these natural materials are stunning, and since they are natural, no two fountains will ever be the same, as the pattern will be different on every one.

Create Ambiance

Aside from the tranquil sound and visual beauty the fountain offers as the water cascades over all three faces, it also provides ambiance through lighting. A total of nine 50-watt halogen lights highlight the curves of the water as it falls to a pebble beach splash guard below. There is even a dimmer switch, so you can control the brightness of these lights, and a pull chain allows you to turn the off completely.

This American-made water feature will make a bold statement in your home. This will be the first thing guests look at, and you may even catch them taking one last glance as they are walking out the door!

Quick Ideas In Choosing The Best Christmas Curtains   Shabby But Chic   

Three Decorating Rules When Decorating With Coastal Themed Accent Pillows

When you're looking to give your home a coastal theme, the easiest way to start is by adding beach themed accent pillows. Accent pillows come in a variety of different colors, fabrics, and bold graphic prints. You can choose from many different coastal styles. Accent pillows are an easy and inexpensive way to bring seaside decor into your home. However, just because they are easy and inexpensive doesn't mean that every pillow will go with an established look. When decorating with accent pillows, there are three rules to know that will help give you the beach chic home decor of your dreams.

1. Have a Plan

It's important that before you start buying any accent pillows that you plan for your overall coastal decorating scheme. Study your existing furniture, is it beach themed furniture? Do you have any wall art? What about the colors or patterns on your existing sofa and chairs? What are they like?

Once you've determined what you have, next determine what complements and contrasts with it. Most often you're looking for a contrast instead of something that blends in. For example, if your sofa is a light color or has a delicate pattern, you may want to go with a coastal themed accent pillow that has a single bold graphic done in a powerful color, like a red crab for instance.

2. Odds are Better than Evens

The next rule for seaside decorating with accent pillows is that odds are more often better than evens. Specifically, if you're looking to put accent pillows on the sofa or couch, then you may want to consider five: Two large accents pillows, two medium ones, and one small one.

The smallest pillow should be the most distinct pillow, with the most interesting texture or the boldest graphic. You need something that will set it apart from the other pillows and draw attention to it. Even though it is small, it'll make a big statement.

The pair of large pillows in this example should be the most subdued. This can be accomplished with color or with a fine delicate pattern, like small white seahorses on a blue background for instance.

The medium pair of pillows should contrast with the large pillows, but still complement them. For example, if the large pillows have small graphics (like the seahorses mentioned above), then the same graphic, only larger, would work for the medium pillows. Such as a single large seahorse against a blue background.

You don't need to rely strictly on color or pattern alone to make this contrast; it can also be achieved with distinctive fabrics such as burlap, cotton or woven.

3. KISS- Keep It Seriously Simple

Above all, the number one rule in chic home decorating with seaside decor is to keep it simple. We've already mentioned that you don't want to have more than five pillows on any single sofa or couch. Loveseats should have 3 or 5 pillows, while large chairs or recliners will look great with up to three. A basic chair should have one pillow. While all pillows should be somewhat similar and complimentary to one another, they should not necessarily be the same pillow.

Be bold when you pick your pillows, experiment with different colors, patterns, shapes, and textures. Look for pillows to provide a sharp contrast but still look good together. That's the real secret of decorating with coastal style accent pillows.

Quick Ideas In Choosing The Best Christmas Curtains   Shabby But Chic   

Buy Sofa Bean Bag Chairs for Your Living Room

Is it really practical to buy sofa bean bag chairs for your living room? After all, you are a grown adult; can you really get away with using these bags of beans for your primary seating? Will people want to even sit on them? Will they immediately call people they know, and have a little laugh when they leave? If you are asking all these questions, you are certainly not alone, but rest-assured that there are a lot more people replacing their old sofa for an extra-large bean bag chair than you might think.

What is Wrong with Your Current Sofa?

Chances are good that if you take a minute to evaluate the current couch or love seat that you have, you can make a list of everything you do not like about each one. Perhaps it is worn out in one spot where you always sit, or maybe you just can't seem to get comfortable on it anymore, no matter how hard you try. Does it look dated in your space or are there a lot of old stains on it? These are all reasons why people buy sofa bean bag chairs for their primary living space. These concerns are not experienced with these furniture pieces.

Are They Big Enough?

When most people think of a bean bag chair, they picture a small, round bag of beans. There is even a good chance that the one you picture is vinyl and brightly colored, if you grew up in the 70s. If this is what you are imagining then when you start shopping to buy sofa bean bag chairs, you will be quite surprised.

These pieces of furniture really are practical to use to replace your current sofa because you can buy them as long as 7 feet. Surely this is long enough for anyone in your house to stretch out on?

Will They Last?

You might also be thrilled to learn that many people buy sofa bean bag chairs primarily because they have such a long life. A traditional sofa wears out in your favorite spot, until eventually, it is no longer your favorite spot. A bean bag sofa doesn't! When you sit down, the beans all move so they conform to the shape of your body. Not only is this supportive and unbelievable comfortable, it means that your favorite spot will remain your favorite spot. Depending on the chair, you may need to add a bag of beans sometimes, but that's a lot better than buying a new sofa.

Also, when you buy sofa bean bag chairs that have a removable and machine-washable cover, it will continue to look its best through the years because cleanup is a breeze. You sure can't squeeze a regular sofa in your washing machine! This also makes them ideal for homes with dirty little fingers and paws as well.

Quick Ideas In Choosing The Best Christmas Curtains   Shabby But Chic   

Privacy Screens Don't Have to Be Unsightly!

Depending on how your home was designed, privacy screens might be a necessity for you if you want to keep nosy people away from your premises. Of course, there are some compromises to be made here, as you may not always be able to design things in an aesthetically pleasing way, especially if those screens are being placed as an afterthought and the house wasn't designed with them in the first place.

However, you don't really have to make your privacy screens look unsightly and have them degrade the aesthetic value of your home - all it takes is choosing the right company to buy those screens from in the first place. The rest is an easy ordeal, as the best companies on this market can help you not only choose the ideal screens for your home, but also install and prepare everything for you.

The materials used in the design of your privacy screens are going to matter a lot. Many companies that manufacture cheap, low-end products tend to use a single material that's most financially convenient for them to acquire in steady supplies, which might be good in terms of costs but definitely doesn't work that well if you're looking for something that looks good on your house.

The trick is usually to combine several materials and create something varied yet consistent, which features the best qualities of all materials involved. Sometimes the best combinations come from the most unusual places, for example by using wood and aluminum together. This may sound strange, but such combinations can really look sharp and attractive when a little bit of thought is put into their design. The best part is that by combining specific materials like that, a lot can be done to improve the insulation and durability of the final product.

That's why you'll see the best companies in the market for privacy screens constantly combining materials in their products. This allows them to not only match the aesthetics of their clients' homes, but also to create something that will last a lot longer than the products of their competitors.

Durability is actually a big problem to consider here, and a lot of work has gone into mitigating some common issues related to it lately. The problem is that many companies tend to compromise the sturdiness of their privacy screens just to make them look a little bit nicer, which is definitely not what you want to see in your own screens. The best approach to this problem lies in a solid understanding of how different materials work together, as we outlined above.

Last but not least, keep an eye on the company's terms regarding the installation of your privacy screens. This should be done entirely by them, as attempting to put up the screen on your own can usually lead to various problems, plus it may void your warranty with some companies. Just make sure that you won't have to pay any ridiculous prices for the installation alone, as this is another common trick used by some shadier companies on this market.

Quick Ideas In Choosing The Best Christmas Curtains   Shabby But Chic   

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